許庭碩 - 靜謐的奔放
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male London, Great Britain (UK)


1:09 a.m.
HMM realli? am I doing that meaningless stuff? I better stop motivating myself to thrive that way. Then I realized the difference between words that merely shines, and words that has the power to change. GG
When I first read the 1st " " a few years ago... I was like Hmm... that's so gloomy of a reality, then when I read Ecc 4:4, I was like ...
give me a break through ~ God
突然發現我對翻譯的興趣,而其中商機又無限。I mean ... if this is my talent... then I am gonna for it.
well..sometimes I am ~ I know it's never to late when I decide to do the right thing Right Now! yep right now! 共勉之。
But the funny thing is ... But the funny thing is ... sometimes we'd rather walk in the desert for some times before we get so exhausted and turn back to God for help ~ We are just that humorous ....