許庭碩 - 靜謐的奔放
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male London, Great Britain (UK)


I really wanna see my woman now
got through the first day of my school
break time... whoo, losing voice realli quickly
ever you go." Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be Strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you where
I was just wondering if theres any movies that will come up this year featuring Fan
preparing the lecture alone in the office seems fun ... 有一種說不完的潛能在空氣中遨翔 一種可以看得的思維 灑脫在分子的疆界 那是一種綺麗的顏色
極度繁忙中的一點空氣就這樣飄散著到了我的電腦桌上 桌上的action figures all came to life ~
曾經的恣意盎然襯托現在穩扎穩打的格局 我喜歡這樣生活 可是我更嚮往接下來的冒險 剩四千多個禮拜可以呼吸著 短暫的璀璨生活在形體消散的那一天應該是更燦爛了...I am expecting you to come.
Objectives, anticipatory hook, and then bang ... the great teaching begins...