28Friends 12Fans
female Sto. Tomas, Philippines

Addicted in caffeine. Love to break the microphone! sing it! Love to jive! breaK danCe love love it! yee yoo! ".)
mhay_yham asks
16 years ago 1
bakit ba di mawala yun myayabang na driver? (angry) kainis! sNa lang di q n xa mksalubong ulit sa way noh!
mhay_yham says
16 years ago 1
good night everyone. (:
mhay_yham says
16 years ago 1
nyt guys. bye. tym 2 slip (highfive)
mhay_yham feels
16 years ago 2
so sleepy baby! (griltongue)
mhay_yham wants
16 years ago 1
u to watch dat video. they r pinay guys. proud to be pinoy!!! (dance)
mhay_yham shares
16 years ago
Beyonce "If I Were A Boy" (REQUEST) - Rin on the Rox
16 years ago
You're wrong when it's right It's black and it's white We fight, we break up We kiss, we make up (dance)
16 years ago
sings:Cause you're hot then you're cold You're yes then you're no You're in and you're out You're up and you're down.. (music)
mhay_yham shares
16 years ago
Katy Perry - Hot N Cold (Official Music Video)
mhay_yham says
16 years ago 3
good evening guys! :-)