''30秒對視挑戰'' 最後一位是三兒子諾亞 他是一個有點弱氣又很容易害羞的孩子 沒辦法對視30秒 (好想欺負他 The last one is the third son, Noah. He's a slightly insecure and easily shy kid, unable to maintain eye contact for 30 seconds. I really want to tease him.(X
''30秒對視挑戰'' 第二位是二兒子約比 他是肉食性兔子 (性方面) 公兔子可是一年365天都在發情呢 The second one is the second son, Yobi. His libido is very high; it takes over within 30 seconds. He wants to devour you (sexually).
''30秒對視挑戰'' 首先是大兒子皓爾 他會好好對視30秒 一過30秒就等著被撲倒吧!!!! First is the eldest son, Haoer. He will maintain eye contact for a full 30 seconds. He would pounce over within 30 seconds.