sweet melo
4Friends 0Fans
female Kaohsiung, Taiwan
sweet melo 正在
11 years ago 2
果然自肥,最討厭的熱火隊 >_<# 那麼愛自肥,有本事就讓熱火三人打滿48分鐘,軟豆缺賽,竟然補PF,讓LBJ補軟豆的PG,不上控球後衛 Kyrie Irving,在fb得到很多讚,那麼多年了,我們對於熱火仍然那麼同仇敵愾,想想也不容易啊(cozy)
sweet melo 正在
11 years ago 2
Spo宣佈:Bosh確定將成為東部全明星先發(Spoelstra to ESPN Radio on starting Bosh, "Was there any doubt where my loyalties are?" Heat owner Arison had lobbied for Bosh as starter.)果然自肥,最討厭的熱火 (angry)
sweet melo 正在
11 years ago
越來越忙除了Knicks,MLB Orioles春訓也開始了,二者都要追會不會難度有點高 (unsure)
sweet melo 正在
11 years ago
(brokenheart) (brokenheart) (brokenheart)Melo arm contusion:'-(:'-( :'-(
sweet melo 正在
11 years ago 1
我家的瓜受傷了我竟然還去歡渡情人節,直到今天才知道 :'-(Anthony -- whose status to play Sunday is unclear because of an arm contusion (brokenheart) 我越來越不認真了 (blush)
sweet melo 正在
11 years ago
Orioles沒留住Saunders :-( Clippers 102:88 Knicks :'-(
sweet melo 正在
11 years ago 3
湖人迷現在一直在我身邊唉唉叫,我該怎麼辦呢 :-P
sweet melo
11 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/Cne0-48b8rSh2wzaQs8uMyyLgtG.jpg 為什麼會如此偏愛一個球星,其實我也知道,可能上輩子欠他錢沒還清吧 :-P
sweet melo 正在
11 years ago 1
我不討厭林書豪但真的很討厭linsanity,不要再報導了,什麼linsanity滿週年 (angry)
sweet melo
11 years ago
TEA TIME https://images.plurk.com/Cne0-1E5Jh7KuMgphcqtQILfQH2.jpg