19Friends 33Fans
female Wausau, WI, United States
Work at home as Executive Director of a non-profit. Kids: Emma (5), Owen(3). Sanity misplaced somewhere around 2003.
melissasullivan has
16 years ago
to come up with a way to convince Owen to take his new medication. I think I'd rather give a pill to my bitchy cat.
melissasullivan thinks
16 years ago
Polly Pocket toys are awesome. Wish I was 5 again.
16 years ago 1
16 years ago
it has been one of those days. I am in need of a post-dinner cranberry vodka slush. Ahh....much better.
melissasullivan was
16 years ago 4
going to sew curtains, but found something better than I could make at Bed Bath & Beyond. And with my coupon it's $25 cheaper than fabric.
melissasullivan has
16 years ago 1
big plans for this no-school Monday. Run 3 miles, work a little, buy fabric for my curtain project, and take the kids to Sam's Pizza.
16 years ago 2
pre-ordered my Kindle2! (dance) It should be here in time for my birthday. Thanks Shawn! (tongue)
melissasullivan is
16 years ago 2
browsing at Barnes & Noble. Going to plan what books to download on my Kindle, once I break down Shawn's futile resistance. :-D
melissasullivan is
16 years ago 1
awake, reluctantly. I'm letting Shawn sleep in, and then I'm going back to bed. I am so darn nice.
16 years ago 14
can't believe that cop gave Shawn a speeding ticket on his birthday. Prick.