58Friends 20Fans
female pondok kelapa, Indonesia
follow my twitter meldha
meldha says
13 years ago
Thinking of you keeps me awake. Dreaming of you keeps me asleep. Being with you keeps me alive.♥
meldha says
13 years ago
Work like everything depends on your work,, and pray like everything depends on your prayers. #problemsolved
meldha says
13 years ago
If you're still standing today, it's so you can walk into tomorrow. You're not going under! Have Faith!
meldha says
13 years ago
Maybe the best programmers aren't those who spectacularly solve crazy problems, but those who don't create them, which is much more silent.
meldha says
13 years ago
The best feeling comes when you realize you're perfectly happy without the people you thought you needed the most.
meldha says
13 years ago
When a girl tells you about her problems, it does not mean she complains. It means she trusts you.
meldha says
13 years ago
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. It's the only thing that ever has
meldha says
13 years ago
When I say 'I'm a Christian' I'm not trying to be strong. I'm professing that I'm weak & need His strength to carry on.
meldha says
13 years ago
Isn't it annoying when people only call you when they need something? That's exactly how most people treat God. How do you think He feels?
meldha says
13 years ago
When a female cries, It's not about one thing, Its built up anger and emotion that she's been holding for so long.