morning all, glad to report that I'm pretty much back to normal. A few aches but for the most part, able to function and my brain seems to be back on line.
surfacing to say hi. Pain level down somewhat, getting a few things done slowly. Temps barely broke 100 here, and the fire is moving in the other direction. Glad I don't need to go anywhere today!
SCE has turned off my a/c for a few hours. I'm on their program for that. I'm thinking I might need to go out for a snack or some dinner till it gets turned back on. Was 102 today, predicted for 107 tomorrow.
We were just discussing Karma on Plurk so here's my grandkitty Karma and my new little granddaughter. She's finally caught up to her kitty "sister" in weight.
I hope all the Texans are staying safe! We are starting a heat wave here, due to hit 107-109 this week. We "only" hit 95 today but it felt like an oven.