20Friends 9Fans
female merville, Philippines
meecah says
15 years ago 3
my karma went down
15 years ago 2
just got back from the monte graduation. AWW i miss everyone na :-(
15 years ago 1
the sky is super yellow! so cool! WHY?
meecah was
15 years ago 5
in kodak and saw the people there editing a picture of a butt :| who would want to take a picture of their butt. it was really weird
meecah wants
15 years ago
halo halo again (LOL)
meecah is
15 years ago 3
confused with all the questions on this application thing (LOL)
meecah says
15 years ago 9
karma go up come on! i wanna do the banana dance thing
meecah is
15 years ago 2
stressed from fixing her visa. why is it so frekin complicated. i wanna see my brother na (LOL)
meecah needs
15 years ago 7
about 3.18 more karma till she can do the dancing bananas!
meecah is
15 years ago
the only one who cant do the dancing bananas :-(