2Friends 2Fans
female Greenville, PA, United States
Let's be idiots together.

kennachagny shares
6 years ago
A new blog post:
Got a Secret?
kennachagny has
6 years ago
been listening to Frank on Twitch for like the past 3 hours and I am exhausted. I'm ready to kick it.
kennachagny is
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
purchasing my subscription to PowderPack for Lelutka as well as joined Besom's beauty box. I'm sooo excited!
kennachagny is
6 years ago
finished shopping at the arcade. gonna record a haul video tonight probably.
kennachagny is
6 years ago
My SL Glow up! I told you guys I would be venturing into IMVU one more time.
Kenna Chagny
kennachagny is
6 years ago
About to venture onto IMVU tonight to get a picture of my avatar from a few years ago to the SL glow up #secondlife #imvu
kennachagny is
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
Actual footage of me practicing for this round of Arcade.
kennachagny is
6 years ago 2
trying to figure out why there seems to always be drama on the book of face lol
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
(wave)Blog Post: All I Want.