7Friends 11Fans
male Austin, TX, United States
martythegrey says
14 years ago 8
Jaden Smith + Jackie Chan = Karate Kid?
martythegrey says
14 years ago 10
menu for tonight: rosemary grilled lamb chops
martythegrey is
14 years ago 2
sleepy, again. These days off need to be more like days off and not like trips to the labor camps
martythegrey says
14 years ago 4
stepson is going in for the first of 2 appointments for braces today
martythegrey wants
14 years ago 15
to move to a country where politics aren't so retarded
martythegrey is
14 years ago 3
ready to stop feeling ill, kthx
14 years ago 2
made biscuits and gravy this morning
martythegrey says
14 years ago 1
Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh are idiots of the highest caliber. A plague o'er both their houses.
martythegrey says
14 years ago 4
this has been a long, buildy, and sick week in the house. le sigh