6Friends 7Fans
male Highland Falls, NY, United States
markrea says
14 years ago
Kick Ass was awesome..! Not recommended for kids or the typical "Spiderman" movie goer.
markrea says
14 years ago
Call or write into the PN Lock and Load podcast bit.ly/duT7YQ at 484-99-GAMER or feedback@platformnation.... next show=tomorrow 4EST
markrea says
14 years ago
While I was fighting tangles, my 3 yr old girl just told me: "I like my hair tangly, I am already beautiful."
markrea says
14 years ago
Funny daughter quote: "well, some black cows do have white milk inside." :-)
markrea says
14 years ago
Be sure to listen to the ending bloopers for Platform Nation’s Lock and Load Podcast Ep. 25... bit.ly/9E4CJu staring Steve519
markrea says
14 years ago
It's official: We're a dual iPhone Family! ; my wife activated my old iPhone 3G today; $15 data plan :-)
markrea says
14 years ago
Anyone now how to activate an old iPhone without a data plan? AT&T wants the $15 a month minimum...
markrea says
14 years ago 1
My 3 yr old submerged a broken "play" cellphone in a glass of water; my 1 yr old followed suit and did the same with wife's "real" phone...
markrea says
14 years ago
Gave a stranger $1 today; said he was 4 days out of prison and needed money for a bus; found $4 worth of coupons an hour later at the market
markrea says
14 years ago
I saw HD sunglasses at Bed, Bath, and Beyond (didn't specify 1080p); yeah, I had an Old School Will Ferrell day. :-)