94Friends 39Fans
male Milford, CT, United States
In SL, I own KS Designs, home and garden center, and Mark Cotrupe Designs, RL photography and in-world sculptures. I also have a Fairy Art Gallery on the property which all are welcome to visit.
Kram_Sidran is
14 years ago
at the Denver airport again, on the way home. At least we got some comfortable seats next to an outlet this time.
Kram_Sidran shares
14 years ago We visited Mission San Xavier today, the last day of our trip. Beautiful place.
Kram_Sidran shares
14 years ago 2 Saguaro cactus blooms. We are here at a great time for cactus flowers.
Kram_Sidran shares
14 years ago 16 I finally got to hold my granddaughter!
Kram_Sidran shares
14 years ago 4 The first day or our Tucson visit. Woke up to a sunny morning, which is most days here.
Kram_Sidran is
14 years ago 6
sitting on the floor at denver airport on the way to tucson. nice that they have wifi
Kram_Sidran has
14 years ago
a ton of work to do today. Bulk trash pickup in two days, which means hauling alot of junk out to the curb. Good exercise though. (gym)
14 years ago 5
It's monday, but at least it's a sunny one. Good Morning Plurk friends! (wave)
14 years ago
Happy Mother's Day! Hope all you Mom's get spoiled and pampered today.
14 years ago 2
just had a brief thunderstorm...always exciting