35Friends 17Fans
female George Town, Malaysia
Marina.You can't expect to know me in reading a short 'About Me' paragraph, so you're gonna actually have to GET TO KNOW me first. :-) here's where you can start.
marinaxo says
16 years ago
My karma has dropped super low.
marinaxo says
16 years ago 2
OMG EXAMS OVER!!! (dance)
marinaxo says
16 years ago 1
Congratulations again, Keat Yang! ;-)
marinaxo says
16 years ago
whoops! not updating has taken its toll on my karma. :s
marinaxo asks
16 years ago 1
IS ANYONE THERE? If you're there, do reply. lol. (dance)
marinaxo wonders
16 years ago
why no one else is plurking right now. *hmmmm*
marinaxo loves
16 years ago
ABBA'S Gimme Gimme Gimme! (music)
marinaxo is
16 years ago 1
happy. SEJARAH'S OVER! (dance)
marinaxo says
16 years ago
yay! i've got a new emoticon! whee! (dance)
marinaxo says
16 years ago
cheryl, a girl's entitled to a break. LOL anyway, yeah mine too.