50Friends 19Fans
female San Francisco, CA, United States
Engineering Happiness at WordPress -- suckah!
marianne1123 is
16 years ago
full of food.
marianne1123 is
16 years ago 2
wondering why she's actually awake right now. :'-(
marianne1123 asks
16 years ago 6
do you associate certain songs/artists to people & memories, too? My day gets filled with looking back at some good/not-so good times/peeps
marianne1123 is
16 years ago 2
going to step away from the mbp and watch some TV. She's getting sleepy.
marianne1123 shares
16 years ago
The Format "The Compromise"
marianne1123 says
16 years ago 5
she just replied to a support email with 'Hi Hong Kong Phooey' (woot)
marianne1123 is
16 years ago
hungry. (s_hungry)
marianne1123 is
16 years ago 2
watching the Denise Richards show and laughing that her nephew's friends have her Playboy issue. Awkward! :-o
marianne1123 is
16 years ago
heading out to brunch (i hope!) in a bit.