w-irls. ✭ 리따
10Friends 7Fans
female la-la-land, Philippines
❥❥❥Orange, cats, rain, hot chocolate with marshmallows and friends make my world go round.

❥❥❥Drawing, daydreaming, RPGs and Rock Band makes life more interesting~

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w-irls. ✭ 리따 says
15 years ago 9
Marlon's friends are here~ =v=
w-irls. ✭ 리따 says
15 years ago 43
ahahaha~ why is the taiko drum's voice so cuuuute ;3; *huggles*
w-irls. ✭ 리따 says
15 years ago 11
why is so frikkin' hooooot~~ *melts*
w-irls. ✭ 리따 says
15 years ago 10
mom and dad texted me~ saying they're going to the plane now :3
w-irls. ✭ 리따 is
15 years ago 6
now downloading Taiko no Tatsujin XD
w-irls. ✭ 리따 says
15 years ago 17
woohoo! Finished playing Ouendan and Ouendan 2 Insane mode XDDD
w-irls. ✭ 리따 says
15 years ago 8
baaaack~ =~= ;;;
w-irls. ✭ 리따 will
15 years ago 14
be going nooooow~ to zeh airport~~ o/
w-irls. ✭ 리따 says
15 years ago 9
good morning~ will drive mom and dad to the airport in 30 minutes~
w-irls. ✭ 리따 will
15 years ago 4
also retire for the night... err... morning |D;;; *looks at clock*