48Friends 11Fans
male Cainta, Philippines
full ^_^?
manuel18 ipinamamahagi
11 years ago
God’s Word provides the ingredients we need to thrive spiritually.
manuel18 ipinamamahagi
11 years ago
How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! —Psalm 119:103
manuel18 ipinamamahagi
11 years ago
God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.
manuel18 ipinamamahagi
11 years ago
[God] has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth. —Acts 17:26
manuel18 ipinamamahagi
11 years ago
To obey is better than sacrifice. —1 Samuel 15:22
manuel18 ipinamamahagi
11 years ago
0 karma :-D
manuel18 ipinamamahagi
11 years ago
di ko makita karma :-&
manuel18 ipinamamahagi
12 years ago
For Your holy Book we thank You;
May its message be our guide,
May we understand the wisdom
Of the truth Your laws provide. —Carter
manuel18 ipinamamahagi
12 years ago
baba ng karma ngayun lang ulit nakapag bukas ^_^
manuel18 ipinamamahagi
12 years ago