Horny on Main
40Friends 8Fans
female QC, Canada
Horny on fucking main. I (try to) write a lot of characters of all genders fucking other characters of all genders, in many combinations and numbers. Also, polypiles.
Horny on Main
1 years ago 4 @Edit 1 years ago
tl: dr; Moving far away, will not be back before mid to late summer, take care while I'm gone 🚚

Hiatus ■ NNNEEERD!!!
Horny on Main
1 years ago 2
icy rain, hail, possibly worsening into an ice storm, 10mm to 15mm of ice accretion forecasted: weather to go back to bed to.
Horny on Main
1 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/6eaT7aFFp95Wlt52HGIFDB.png SMT. Devil May Cry. Catholicism probably. Sky Doll. Probably other things.
Horny on Main
1 years ago
Good: I know how to build shit with Eleventy now.
Bad: I have a wicked headache D8
Horny on Main
1 years ago 6
I have covid
Horny on Main
1 years ago 5
Thirsty Thursday I need to practise writing more "no justification" smut
Horny on Main
1 years ago 2
Happy Asexual Confusion Day!
Horny on Main
1 years ago 6
https://images.plurk.com/3knDT9rqGSObCLhDanp70m.png manga > anime
Horny on Main
1 years ago 11
Horny on Main
1 years ago
oh no oh shit oh fuck I was reading the Embarrassing Tshirts Meme and now I wanna dust off my Shura journal to go stick her in there with a T-shirt that says Brain worms. Literally. orz