This Golden Monkey tea is so good!
I can't believe I started and finished a knit hat last night! I feel like a knitting warrior! lol
Starting a new html template! Yaay!
Hmm... another cup of Earl Grey Creme or switch to Genmaicha? Decisions!
Dear neighbors, stop smoking in the hallway 'cause I can smell it in my apartment! You douche bags. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
I like to open the connection settings on my iPod on my drive home and watch all the silly SSIDs that people create.
Time to go home and use John's Vista-laden computer. Ick. Maybe I'll just steal his monitor and use my MBP.
Really enjoying a cup of Yunnan Jig tea this morning. :9
Started my next knitted baby hat! These hats from the Stitch n' Bitch book are pretty simple and quick.
My dad officially got the job he's been interviewing for in Philadelphia!