48Friends 9Fans
female Fouke, AR, United States
I am a middle school principal who LOVES technology integration into instruction! Not a techie, but know enough to be dangerous!!! Every classroom teacher in my building has a ceiling mounted LCD projector, Mimio board, Mimio tablet, Mimio Captur
manderleigh hopes
15 years ago 5
you all will welcome to Plurk!
manderleigh shares
15 years ago 2
Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight. - Phyllis Diller (LOL)
manderleigh is
15 years ago 1
excited to learn the tech side of CWT today. I get to play on my computer! :-)
manderleigh is
15 years ago 1
calling it a night!
manderleigh shares
15 years ago 9 Check out this picture of one of our buses after school today!
manderleigh wants
15 years ago 5
to share a photo of a school bus driving on a flooded road, but my karma isn't high enough! I am a newbie! :-(
manderleigh is
15 years ago 5
about to start CWT training....probably not as fun as TIE conference! :-(
manderleigh is
15 years ago 10
excited! I just presented to the board through Skype! What a wonderful way to share with them the many uses of these free tools! :-D
manderleigh is
15 years ago 6
Good night all! Enjoyed learning/sharing with everyone today!
manderleigh is
15 years ago
so excited to see some of these new tools used with our kids!