22Friends 16Fans
female Davao, Philippines
lady lawyer...
Amy says
12 years ago 10
dexter season 7 na! download galore na sad! hehe(rock)
Amy is
12 years ago 1
feeling the beat of Pablo! Be safe everyone! :-)
Amy is
12 years ago
Late! Again...:'-(
Amy says
12 years ago
Amy says
12 years ago
good morning! 1st week on my new govt job and waah, i was late for the first 3 days! (LOL)
Amy says
12 years ago
Now another batch of hopefuls are doing (feeling) the same thing I did almost a year ago. 2012 barristers, may the force be with you!
Amy says
12 years ago
how time flies really fast. Entering UST campus during the 1st sunday with hopes and dreams all in is still very fresh.
Amy says
12 years ago
worse cough ever!
Amy says
12 years ago
my eyes hurt. I think I need to change lens.:'-(
Amy says
12 years ago 2
reports, reports! haaay!:-&