Dual Strikers
91Friends 121Fans
male Philippines
I'm a guy who tries to live at both extremes of the spectrum...

Likes: Furries, Touhou, Music, Exploring, Rhythm Games, Strategy Games, Singing, and SLEEPING

Proud to be a Furrypino!

Anybody play Technika?
Dual Strikers says
12 years ago
My legs hurt; my stomach hurts; my stamina's at 0, but that was a fun DDR UZ session today XDD
Dual Strikers says
12 years ago
Back to work work work... DX
Dual Strikers says
12 years ago
【maze】Panda Hero【cover】 I like this cover of Panda Hero! :-D
Dual Strikers says
12 years ago
It's 12 already here... Merry Christmas guys!! And night everyone!
Dual Strikers says
12 years ago
Notes to self: learn to twist easier, gallops, and balancing yourself in transitions. Anyways, back from a fun DDR session tonight! :-D
Dual Strikers says
12 years ago
Bad news: FX broke down, so I had to walk to work... Good news: It broke down several blocks away from the office, so it wasn't that far :-D
Dual Strikers says
12 years ago 10
There's ice cream and massages in the office today... What?
Dual Strikers says
12 years ago
Morning! Still on LSS on this song coz' of Maimai XDD 【Megurine Luka & GUMI】Happy Synthesizer【VOCALOID...
Dual Strikers says
12 years ago
G'night world!