16Friends 24Fans
female Roxas, Philippines
Hey! Spell M-A-E and you'll know my name. I'm 15 and currently a 3rd year student.
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maii_24 says
13 years ago
Karma UP!! (dance) I feel like dancin' all day!
maii_24 says
13 years ago
I never used to be jealous... then I liked you. (blush)
maii_24 shares
13 years ago
TEXTAPHRENIA: Thinking you heard or felt a new text message on your phone, when there is really no message at all. 8-)
maii_24 says
13 years ago
G'morning! (wave)
maii_24 says
13 years ago
G'afternoon (wave) Karma up! (worship)
maii_24 says
13 years ago
G'morning Plurkers! Sipon please go away. (sick)
maii_24 says
13 years ago
(sick) I'm not feeling well. :'-(
maii_24 says
13 years ago
G'afternoon. (wave)
maii_24 says
13 years ago
G'afternoon Plurkers! :-)
maii_24 says
13 years ago
Twitter is having technical problems. Urgh!