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mahfuzer1234 says
7 years ago
just g
Sitting here on a bench I'm watching people. And I'm envious that they can just walk and walk for ages while I have to take a long break after a minute every like 100 - 200 meters to catch a breath and
mahfuzer1234 says
7 years ago
just got peed on by a cloud. rain/storm/etc appropriate songs?
mahfuzer1234 says
7 years ago
There are currently zero games on my phone. I feel like nothing is holding my attention for more than a week. What do you guys play that's really good? I'm on Android.
mahfuzer1234 says
7 years ago
Oh lord, I'm about to order all of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac off Amazon. What am I, 15 again?
mahfuzer1234 says
7 years ago
Odd question for anyone who really knows their Spanish: I know that 'corazon' is a masculine noun, but I've also seen it written as 'la corazon' quite a few times as well. Any explanation there?
mahfuzer1234 says
7 years ago
I love seeing Billie Piper in Penny Dreadful. She's AMAZING in P.D..... polar opposite of Doctor Who
mahfuzer1234 says
7 years ago
sets up a profile pic set on her platform, at 1775m. Realizes she can't stand on the set piece she wants. Goes to uncheck "phantom." Checks "physical" instead. Welp. Better get to the ground to catch THAT...
mahfuzer1234 says
7 years ago
Oh lord, I'm about to order all of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac off Amazon. What am I, 15 again?
mahfuzer1234 says
7 years ago
When I miss you it seems every song I listen to is about you.
mahfuzer1234 says
7 years ago
My main account, Chiyo, in 2010. I friggin loved that dress and thought I was so fancy.