3Friends 2Fans
female Brisbane, Australia
14 years ago 1
親愛的主耶穌 謝謝你保佑我找到OZ開的咖啡廳工作 接下來要請你繼續保守我身體健康 和最重要的一件事-把波波帶回來我的身邊... 謝謝主耶穌傾聽我的禱告 求你應允我的禱告 我要讚美祢 因為你是我在天上的父 我這樣禱告是奉我主耶穌基督的盛名所祈求 阿們!
15 years ago 1
當你還在這時,不管多晚,只要是你牽著我的手陪我走,到哪我都不怕. 但現在不管身邊圍繞著多少人,心裡都還是覺得孤單...
15 years ago
10/9 this mf text me b4 went 2 football presentation, im a bit upset. seems like he doesnt care me at all&doesnt wanna be wit me ><
15 years ago
10/8 Paul text me@the last min asked me:r u goin football 2nite? i went anyway&saw Luke's roommate, now i found out who was the BIG MOUTH!
15 years ago
10/7 Paul didnt ask me out yesterday as usual. bought cigrettes wit him@IGA 2day, he'd some good times in the park, very intense... ;-)
15 years ago
Paul'd changed this week, didnt text me after work, maybe around evening... feel there're some distance between us, kinda worry :-(
maggie1102 已經
15 years ago 2
10/5 had a farewell party 4 yifan & sandy, wish u all the best, nd i'll c u soon in mel! :-D
maggie1102 正在
15 years ago 3
10/4 thought bout Luke last nite all nite when i was w Paul:-( now i wanna get him back so baddddddddddd! :'-(
maggie1102 正在
15 years ago 2
10/3 stayed at Paul's last nite, finally figured out he's not serious about us, we'r not bf/gf, just dating&enjoying the moment thats all...
maggie1102 正在
15 years ago
what can i do? i wish 2 meet Luke earlier then we mite hav chance. not sure if Paul really liked me or not? cudnt help 2 like them both :-(