12Friends 13Fans
female Ozamiz City, Philippines
, . , juSt a siMpLe giRL , . ,

drEaminG foR siMpLe thiNgS..
iS oPen tO a relaTionsHip - FRIENDSHIP !!! :-P:-P:-P
hehehehe..:-D anYwaY... I just waNt tO haVe a goOd yEar thIs yeaR... hoPe you'LL be iN iT!! ^_^

mUmuTi says
15 years ago 7
bYE-byE..neeD tO pLay haLo noW..:-D addiCteD to iT..:-D:-D:-D floOd pleaSe..:-D
mUmuTi says
15 years ago 1
mUmuTi wonders
15 years ago 4
iF i shouLd stoP pluRking..:-(
mUmuTi thinks
15 years ago 4
that i ShouLd staRt playiNg HALO noW..:-D
mUmuTi asks
15 years ago 40
yOu tO fLood mE heRe pleaSe,..:-D
mUmuTi is
15 years ago 7
nOt aT hoMe yEt..:-D
mUmuTi hates
15 years ago 3
thaT thEre'D be nO cLass tomOrroW 'tiL fRidaY..ugh! hoW boriNg wouLd thaT be?! :-(
mUmuTi feels
15 years ago
woNderfuL toDay!
mUmuTi likes
15 years ago
mUmuTi wants
15 years ago 21
you to flood me here. PLEASE!!!