39Friends 12Fans
female Jacksonville, TX, United States
I am a teacher that is totally in love with my subject. I am always looking for new and inventive ways to try to get my students interested and hooked into Math. My Motto? Math is Fun and can be done by Anyone!
luvmyboys93 says
14 years ago 6
educators - please add steffi30 as a friend. She is one of the most innovative teachers I have ever had the blessing to work with.
luvmyboys93 wonders
14 years ago 5
What time is it if you are standing exactly on the North Pole?
luvmyboys93 shares
14 years ago 2
luvmyboys93 hopes
14 years ago 3
educators will add me as a friend.
luvmyboys93 is
14 years ago
a high school math teacher from Txas