48Friends 38Fans
female Taipei, Taiwan
Time flies
luoluo says
12 years ago 16
火車上真是搭訕人的好地方....因為車還沒到站, 想走也走不掉.... :-&
luoluo says
12 years ago 5
It's so wonderful to have hotpot in this freezing weather~~~~~ (hungry)
luoluo says
12 years ago 3
鋼鐵擂台好好看!!!! (rock)
luoluo says
12 years ago 2
原來Gmail account可以login Youtube, 我今天才知道!!!!! (woot)
luoluo shares
12 years ago
我中毒了, 這兩天狂聽這首歌, 撥了幾十次了吧 (music)香水有毒香水有毒
luoluo feels
12 years ago
The position is dispensable. It reminds me something...
luoluo says
12 years ago
今天走在路上看到兩個妙齡少女化裝成藍色小精靈(皮膚的地方不知道用什麼全部塗成藍色的), 可是我不好意思拍照 (woot)
luoluo says
12 years ago 2
It's just so difficult to organise a 5 people meeting! :-(
luoluo says
12 years ago
maintenance day (gym)
luoluo says
12 years ago 7
My Colleagues love pineapple pastry very much! 我的同事們好愛鳳梨酥^_^ (英國人、波蘭人、印度人、泰國人...不分國籍大家都愛鳳梨酥阿~~~~)