9Friends 11Fans
male Auckland, New Zealand (Aotearoa)
15 years ago
should go to lunch now. it's nearly 2.30
lungchen is
15 years ago
working in a different computer lab for now.
lungchen has
15 years ago
finished marking the projects. :-)
lungchen has
15 years ago
met with my supervisors and challenged their ideas. They're nice people so they let me do that.
lungchen says
15 years ago
the deadline of the conference paper is extended
lungchen has
15 years ago 1
been working hard today. But the end still seems far away.
lungchen has
15 years ago
been slacking :-(
lungchen needs
15 years ago
to pick up the pace for my writing.
15 years ago
ate Korean BBQ with friends tonight
lungchen says
15 years ago 4
yes I agree with Recruiters give poor impression. They stop you from directly contacting the employers.