1Friends 6Fans
female Taipei, Taiwan
Born in Taoyuan. Grow up in Taipei. Get a degree in Boston. Work in Nankang.
lucialee says
15 years ago 1
lucialee says
15 years ago
奇怪Karma會變少? I remember my Karma exceeds 25?
lucialee says
15 years ago
lucialee says
15 years ago
聽說明天不用上班 :-D
lucialee says
15 years ago
on the top of the world.....
lucialee says
15 years ago
為未來儲備能量 build up momentum for next change (LOL)
lucialee says
15 years ago 2
lucialee says
15 years ago
過了2天的山林生活Living on the top of the world..... :-))
lucialee says
15 years ago
努力過精油生活. Aromatherapy brings your life more fun and depth.
lucialee says
15 years ago 1
吃的好有元氣 ,穿的美心情好 (LOL) Good food energizes a body. Nice outfit delights a soul.