329Friends 44Fans
female Somewhere on your right hand, Second life
I love Greedy!
some of you got to hear Molly today, well here she is. She's 3 now and I remember the day so clear when I was in the hospital plurking that it was a girl to you all.
I'm logged on SL o.O just realized pre camp was happening. Wooo!!!
hi everyone
is in major need of a new season outfit lol I log on to this.
wow, I didn't realize I missed another arcade lol Time to find some cheap yard sales woohoo!!! Oh and Hiiii everyone!
St. Lucia in 2 days... eeeks!!!
hi everyone!!!
I just luckily caught her in time, but Molly tried to hover over her little potty chair. That could've been a hot mess lol

drools and stares I'm not this way with actors but this guy just gets to me. YUMMMMMYYY