I'm doing all with sincere to you.Doesn't mean I'll sacrifice every single thing in my life for you.
I don't call you.. Doesn't mean I forget you..
I'm happy with you.. Doesn't mean I can't live without you..
When you hate me.. doesn't mean I have one more problem. That's your problem.. Not mine.
When bad things come to my life.. Doesn't mean i don't have any reason to thank God for my life ^^
I said I've moved on.. Doesn't mean I've left our story all behind.. I keep some though.. And keep moving then.. ^^
I like u, doesn't mean I love u
When i'm being nice to you.. Doesnt mean i forget about your mistakes! Forgives.. But not forget..
You once knew me.. Doesn't mean you know the 'NOW ME'.. You've just seen what i want you to see..
I am patient, doesn't mean I couldn't get angry! It's just a matter of time.