Xiiao Emo
11Friends 4Fans
Xiiao Emo needs
15 years ago
the answer for the question jus now she gave... :-o
Xiiao Emo thinks
15 years ago
tats should she be more with boiis den gals?
Xiiao Emo thinks
15 years ago
tat she is better with boiis den gals because gals abit jiu quarrel but boiis even it will quarrel but still will join bck de...
Xiiao Emo needs
15 years ago
ppl to comfort her & it will be few boiis + gals
Xiiao Emo wants
15 years ago
some1 to stay by her side...
Xiiao Emo was
15 years ago
crying now...tears dropping...heart crack...dont even neo wat to do now... :'-( :'-( :'-( :'-(
Xiiao Emo feels
15 years ago
sad because she dont even neo her parents will be celebrating with her or not...T.T
Xiiao Emo hopes
15 years ago
to celebrate her birthday at pasir ris park with all her friends & family members...Wish to have alots of presents too :-D
Xiiao Emo is
15 years ago
thinking why he will suddenly sms me...
Xiiao Emo needs
15 years ago
him by my side...