Time for some Dr Who and its a bloody marvelous part two coming up
One of the Plurk Fishes looks like the openSSH blow Fish
singing the Dr Who theme tune using only 'Woooo'
Im not sure Plurk Wurks for me to be so Early and Bouncy.
his Asus EEE PC 900. Have I mentioned that ?
its Chillie Pasta bake time. Twitter you dont get to have any. until you do your lines.
Face it . Twitter is busy . im just as likely to keep posting here. Wow Twitter your loosing my religion
Seriously twitter if you were up right now I wouldnt be plurking this would i
this data entry box needs to be at the top of the page for all us asus EEE pc users
oh I get it. the timeline moves to the right for Earlier Plurks not current ones. okay thats Chinesealinke