2Friends 33Fans
male Jamaica, NY, United States
Part time code wizard, part time artist, part time lover, full-time thinker.
lordtrilink says
14 years ago
Seems like somebody owns every minute of my life. A year ago, I was searching for ways to engage myself. How did this happen?
lordtrilink says
14 years ago
Hater blockers = on.
lordtrilink says
14 years ago
You know summer is near when you see a woman giving herself a pedicure on a bench.
lordtrilink says
14 years ago
#ARealNewYorker ain't afraid to pound the doors of a moving bus. He gets home at all costs. :-)
lordtrilink says
14 years ago
Guy on the subway asked me if the A went to 42nd Street. Then he explained he was going down to SC for rehab. Wished him luck. #ILoveNYC
lordtrilink says
14 years ago
If investments and assets can have a Net Present Value, what about my education?
lordtrilink says
14 years ago
Lawdamercy...they just voted me secretary of the group. Already I'm creating Outlook appointments like mad!
lordtrilink says
14 years ago
First day of school. Everyone looks nervously at one another, wondering what's next.
lordtrilink says
14 years ago
This city bleeds me. Where are all them twenty dollar bills I took out last week?
lordtrilink says
14 years ago
Hey guys! It's a movie starring Bruce Willis in the innovative role of a weary cop!