Some people are meant to fall in love, but not to fall together. 有時候我想說,是遇到了不能在一起比較痛苦(客觀不能),還是從頭到尾都沒遇到比較痛苦? 不過多采多姿才是人蔘啊,能夠有不同的體會也不失為一種樂趣 (山頂吹風) 我只是沒想到後續影響這麼大 ...
From 小苗粉絲團 #85 最好的時候 我常常獨自想像,想像我會越變越好,在最好的時候與你重逢。或許我們將面對面坐著,生疏地吃著自己碗裡的拉麵,在熱煙沾濕我們之間尷尬的空氣時,稍微感嘆時光飛逝,聊聊這幾年都在做些什麼事。我要清淡著一張臉,穿上最簡單的t-shirt,把頭髮紮成一束澎鬆的馬尾,再也不介意你迂迴的美學試探與評語。我會比以前更有自信嗎?不再只是附和著你喜歡的話題,而願意多談一點點我自己。
From Lessons from the movies: 時常我們用各自的方式去愛,卻忘了愛與被愛是兩件不同的事。 We tend to love using our own ways, but we forget that to love and to be loved are two different things.
I guess I just found out my worst shortcoming is being a hopeless idealist. When reality doesn't fit, sometimes i would just walk away. And that's called naive, rather than mature.
有沒有遇到過這樣一個人,只要想到從此無法再見,就會莫名的心痛。 Is there someone, who your heart starts to hurt, whenever the thought of losing them crosses your mind. 張愛玲:『再没心肝的女人,說起去年的那件織锦缎夹袍,也是一往情深的。』
這個夏天,說了好多好多再見,心都碎了。 But it's healthier. Things will have to fall apart before they fall together in the right place. But goodbyes are still far too difficult.