4 months ago @Edit 4 months ago
🐛 thinking about how an anti therian told me to go home and eat cat food. that sounds like such a ridiculous insult when i write it down, but it stung. i've never been treated with such vitriol before. is that what they think we're like? why do they hate us so much? therianthropy is such a beautiful thing and they all want to kill us
🐛 okay. I'm going for good now
🐛 if you priv plurked me I'm so sorry but I don't think I've been able to see any of them lately. I haven't been active. tagging is also difficult because I find checking my notifications to be overwhelming. I'm sorry to do this to you all
🐛 my mental state hasn't been this bad for a long time. I think maybe I should just take another break. if you'd like my discord feel free to ask for it </3 if you dont have discord we can try alternate methods of communication
🐛 sorry i've been so absent. i love all of you
🐛 now i really have to go to bed
🐛 my mom is being mean again