Lucian Chiu
11Friends 13Fans
male Taiwan
Hey, welcome to my plurk.
I'd like to be a friend with you.
If you want to add me as a friend, do it for free.
xoxo L.
Lucian Chiu
15 years ago
我不知道該說甚麼了...r u fooling me?
Lucian Chiu
15 years ago
我現在瘋狂愛上Leighton Meester!!! (K)
Lucian Chiu
15 years ago
好扯喔!! 早上搭國光號還要等補位= = 好險有加班車 不然又要繼續翹下午的文法課了!!! 哈哈 (griltongue)
Lucian Chiu
15 years ago 2
今天從北屯區 騎到 嶺東的藝術街...超級遠 我都要累死了
Lucian Chiu
15 years ago 1
班上一堆[八卦製造機] 我很想拿鋼刷幫他們每天早上刷牙 然後拿大鎖把那又唱又髒的嘴打爛!!!
Lucian Chiu
15 years ago
i cant wait!!! (party)
Lucian Chiu
15 years ago
為什麼快樂的日子總是會有插曲呢? i thought the tough days were over but the truth is not.
Lucian Chiu
15 years ago
哈 好丟臉啦!!!
Lucian Chiu
15 years ago
could u just stop asking me that stupid question!
Lucian Chiu
15 years ago
我在國光號上回中壢的路上 bus好晃喔...