177Friends 300Fans
female Watertown, MA, United States
Director of Academic Technology at an independent school in the Boston area.

I believe in the power of technology to transform learning, energize communities and inspire innovation.

I like it when people read my blog:
lizbdavis shares
15 years ago 31
I hate managing the computer lab. Kids are always doing something they aren't allowed to do.
lizbdavis shares
15 years ago 6
"Beam Me Up Scotty!" - New blog post: edtechpower.blogspot... Looking for metaphors. Please help me by adding your own.
lizbdavis says
15 years ago 11
we just signed the kids up to take their first ski lesson on Sunday.
lizbdavis shares
15 years ago
Ten Tools to Manage Your Life - Make your New Years Resolutions a Reality, New Post:
lizbdavis says
15 years ago 16
I saw Slumdog Millionaire today. It was a great movie. I highly recommend it.
lizbdavis says
15 years ago 7
Good morning everyone. Hope you had a great Christmas.
lizbdavis says
15 years ago 3
Finally sent out my holiday cards. I love - they address and mail the cards for you, and you can still personalize each card.
lizbdavis says
15 years ago 19
Happy Hannukah and Merry Christmas to my PLN!
lizbdavis says
15 years ago 3
just got back from Target. It was a zoo and the shelves were picked pretty bare.