177Friends 300Fans
female Watertown, MA, United States
Director of Academic Technology at an independent school in the Boston area.

I believe in the power of technology to transform learning, energize communities and inspire innovation.

I like it when people read my blog:
lizbdavis says
16 years ago 10
Good morning everyone. I can't believe that Thanksgiving is over. It was a very mellow one for us this year.
lizbdavis says
16 years ago
Just watched Made of Honor was a pretty good movie. Better than I expected.
lizbdavis says
16 years ago
Read Write Web not a fan of TinyURL:
lizbdavis was
16 years ago 10
listening Arlo Guthrie's "Alice's Restaurant" on the way home from dinner at my mom's. A Thanksgiving tradition.
lizbdavis is
16 years ago 26
back on Plurk. I miss the conversations here. Sorry I've been away so long.
lizbdavis asks
16 years ago 30
If you had 1 hour per week, during the work day, to dedicate to learning, what would you learn and how would you learn it?
lizbdavis asks
16 years ago 2
do any of you live in the Berkshires of MA?
lizbdavis says
16 years ago 20
My Karma is finally back above 50.(yahoo)
16 years ago 7
I tweaked my tag line: "I believe in the power of technology to transform learning, energize communities and inspire innovation."
lizbdavis is
16 years ago 4
looking for online apps that create visual graphics from data (in addition to Google Gadgets).