cringe and free
37Friends 0Fans
Arizona, United States
liv | 28 | they/them

bulma briefs

emerging from the rp void

murdergame history
cringe and free
4 weeks ago 8
[neopets] yall should really pick up the new card game, it's simple but very fun! i'm having a lovely time
cringe and free
4 weeks ago 5
cringe and free
4 weeks ago 4
im living for this
cringe and free
1 months ago 17
would anyone be interested in boomeranging tags latet tonight or tomorrow? work got intensely busy after my vacation and would love to make AC!
cringe and free
1 months ago 8
[in vegas] im gonna tell my kids this is heckingame
cringe and free
1 months ago 9
BRIEF HIATUS (after being sluggish this may due to art market mode orz) i'll be visiting family for a couple weeks!
cringe and free
2 months ago 4
HELLO i did some phone tags last night but will probably have spotty replies/availability the next couple weeks since i'm prepping for an art market
cringe and free
2 months ago 2
plurk bless me with tag motivation
cringe and free
2 months ago 20
s-word sunday but only for decidedly atypically s-words
cringe and free
2 months ago 14
belated may toplevel!!!!