10Friends 7Fans
male MD, United States
BoB_theBeAgLe says
13 years ago 1
BoB_theBeAgLe says
13 years ago 3
韩庚 is good
BoB_theBeAgLe says
13 years ago 3
theres this jap movie called AVN, which is Alien vs Ninja.... so dumb
BoB_theBeAgLe says
13 years ago 1
Karma keeps going down, lets see how long it takes to get to zero
BoB_theBeAgLe says
13 years ago
washington = taxation without representation
BoB_theBeAgLe says
13 years ago
god damn this hot shit weather
BoB_theBeAgLe says
13 years ago 1
monday, here we come
BoB_theBeAgLe says
13 years ago Apple could turn US into iAmerica
BoB_theBeAgLe says
13 years ago 1
cant wait for weekend mudafockers
BoB_theBeAgLe says
13 years ago 1
one more day, and friday will come