Knit Nerd
145Friends 63Fans
female Fresno, CA, United States
I'm a knitter, crocheter and spinner...oh my! I'm also the host of the Knit Nerd Podcast. You can find me on Ravelry as katb913.
Knit Nerd says
10 years ago 7
Surgery is over, and went well. I've been released home and am enjoying my couch :-))
Knit Nerd is
10 years ago 5
hungry! My surgery isn't until 2:45pm and I haven't been able to eat since midnight! It's going to be a long day :-/ on the plus side I can soon enjoy all the food that's given me trouble!
Knit Nerd says
10 years ago
Further proof why I love Ron Swanson: "Live your life how you wish, but don't confuse drama with happiness."
Knit Nerd says
10 years ago 11
Hey all. I'm still out here. I've had some things happen that are taking some time to digest and that have hit me hard. I promise a new episode is coming soon :-)
Knit Nerd says
10 years ago 8
My dr says I have gallstones :-( I have to wait until Monday to find out if I need gallbladder surgery. It's going to be a long weekend
Knit Nerd says
10 years ago 4
At the dr this morning getting poked and prodded. Tetanus shot, ultrasound to see if I have gallstones, and bloodwork. Delightful!
Knit Nerd says
10 years ago
Episode 75 is up on the blog and iTunes! Have a great Tuesday! xo (heart)
Knit Nerd says
10 years ago 5
I'm nearly favorite LYS is closing :'-(:-(
Knit Nerd says
10 years ago
Episode 74 of the Knit Nerd Podcast is up on the blog! Happy Saturday!