21Friends 895Fans
female Toronto, ON, Canada
Heeeey People :3 You can call me Larissa, Lala, Issa...or give me a new nickname. I'm 17, in grade 12. I love Books, manga, badminton and taekwondo. Friends consider me weird and an optimist. I'm always looking for new friends, so hey, Add Me!
little-lenah says
15 years ago
Hey! I actually finished some of my philosophy homework for once! Yay!
little-lenah says
15 years ago
I am going to drown in philosophy one day o_o
little-lenah says
15 years ago
Goodnight world. Finally going to bed. Philosophy is done...for today -_-"
little-lenah says
15 years ago
meow o_o
little-lenah says
15 years ago
Operation Mansion: In action YAY!
little-lenah says
15 years ago
pewpew? o_o
little-lenah says
15 years ago
little-lenah says
15 years ago
Whats to say?
little-lenah says
15 years ago
Okay, so it turns out I have a cold. Fuuuuun....Everyone's getting sick >_<
little-lenah says
15 years ago
Night Night. I'm tired...and sick... :-(