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male Singapore
i like music and blog at
litford says
15 years ago 11
Ping me if you'd like to come for the taping of LiveNLoaded tomorrow (17 Mar), 7PM @ Caldecott Hill. My band Leeson is playing!
15 years ago 3
Mistress of darkness, Styra on LiveNLoaded next with her band Astreal! Heroine where it comes to blogging, art and music! #lnl
litford says
15 years ago 18
Leeson just got confirmed for Live N Loaded next Tuesday! 17 March'09 Webcast, TV spot's on Thursday 19 March'09! WOOOOT!! #leeson
litford likes
15 years ago
listening to Luke Doucet's, It's Not The Liquor I Miss - Luke Doucet - It's Not The Liquor I Miss
15 years ago
[Harmless] Things to love - Let's start a movement!
15 years ago 10
[OpenRoom] Key Takeaways from Open Room: Your Blog™ #openroom
litford wonders
15 years ago
if a homogenized and apathetic means the only way we can express ourselves is in extremes.
15 years ago 48
Why is everyone kicking such a big fuss about the govt. re-iterating that teaching dialects in curriculum is unfeasible?
litford thinks
15 years ago 2
Plurk mobile is retarded for not having a "responded" tab to keep track of conversations while mobile.
litford says
15 years ago 6
Remember kids, Tania's presenting at Blogout'09 tomorrow, patlaw will be on the panel with Daniel Goh and many more!