52Friends 51Fans
female Great Britain (UK)
The girl who wants to rule the world.
lishera says
11 years ago
lishera says
11 years ago
hmmm sometimes I wonder if I chose him, what will happen??
lishera says
11 years ago
96.7 , dafuq
lishera says
11 years ago
with this stupid thing
lishera says
11 years ago
lishera says
11 years ago
shittiest boyfriend on earth
lishera says
11 years ago
二十岁的女孩应该有的思想:⒈拥有品位 ⒉养成看书的习惯 ⒊要试着发现生活里的美 ⒋跟有思想人交朋友 ⒌远离泡沫偶像剧 ⒍学会忍耐与宽容 ⒎重视身体心态健康 ⒏让微笑成为你的资本⒐不依附男人 ⒑有理财动机 学习投资经营 ⒒爱情跟婚姻是可以共同拥有的 ⒓谁说女人不如男 ⒔找一个有共同理想的伴侣
lishera says
11 years ago
OFF TO WORK !!!!!!!
lishera says
11 years ago
my job is so stressful
lishera says
11 years ago
I don't want to work but I want the money, can? :-(