18Friends 316Fans
female Selangor, Malaysia
My passion is the truth: I'm a stickler for details and I like to analyze things. I like to reflect on everything. If you ask me for an honest opinion, I'd try to give it to you. So think twice ;-)
lisarosalina says
12 years ago
please don't beat up yourself too much
lisarosalina wonders
12 years ago
when there is no love, would mercy suffice?
12 years ago
the awful moment of "he's not that into you"
lisarosalina says
12 years ago
reading Great Expectations by Dickens is kinda depressing. It struck a chord or two
lisarosalina says
12 years ago
ionic equilibria and physical pharmacy, you are killing me!
12 years ago
seka airmatamu sebab tentu Dia mengetahui betapa berat jiwamu menahan
lisarosalina thinks
12 years ago
in retrospect, we would like to think that everything we did have meaning
12 years ago
be sincere in friendships, you don't know who are you saving
lisarosalina thinks
12 years ago
we should all now talk and not just speak, listen and not just hear
lisarosalina thinks
12 years ago
instead of being envious of things in other ppl's plate, u shld look at yours n keep it filled