25Friends 25Fans
Orange, CA, United States
Nerdy cat girl, into Heroes, Sci-Fi, Emily the Strange and MMORPGs.
12 years ago 8
just LOVES fire alarm testing day. (unsure)
Lisana says
12 years ago 3
The Sister-in-Law has been swayed toward going to WDW this summer instead of Ocean City, NJ. Whee!
Lisana says
12 years ago
Sleep is a wonderful invention. I (heart) codeine.
Lisana has
12 years ago 3
finally turned a corner, yay! Not nearly so much coughing today, and some sleeping has been accomplished.
13 years ago 10
waves. Hi folks, sorry I've been quiet; Sam's been home sick the past 2 days, and now I've got it. Bleh. Hanging in there.
Lisana says
13 years ago 1
The dangers of checking FB and Plurk in the middle of the night include getting the worst ear worm ever stuck in your head. (doh)
Lisana says
13 years ago 8
I'd get up and head out to the living room so I don't have to hear the banging taking place upstairs,
Lisana says
13 years ago 7
Oh yes, my girls really like those freeze dried turkey treats! They came nose to nose to sniff one, and they usually growl at a foot apart.
Lisana says
13 years ago 10
Okay, I might have gone a bit overboard on Amazon today. I replaced our stick blender, plus got cat treats and catnip.
Lisana shares
13 years ago 4
For Northern_Light