26Friends 4Fans
female Purwokerto, Indonesia
something I can't life without :
1. My GOD is ALLAH
2. My Mom and My Dad
3. My Little Sister
4. All my family
5. My friends
6. My memories. . .!!

I'm charming. . seductive. . and moody!!!
cool. .cute. .it's less me!!!

( Lintang narsiez m
stupidprincess hopes
15 years ago
karma ne cepet naek!!
stupidprincess suka
15 years ago
gag ngerti Q
stupidprincess suka
15 years ago
stupidprincess benci
15 years ago
stupidprincess sedang
15 years ago
stupidprincess bilang
15 years ago
mbuh apa!!!!
stupidprincess bilang
15 years ago
cepi beudh!!!
stupidprincess hopes
15 years ago
cwo baek2. . . .!!!ada gag??
stupidprincess rasa
15 years ago
perut ini cakidh!!
stupidprincess wonders
15 years ago
kok peyut Q ckid lg ea???!!\