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Ottawa, ON, Canada
lina617 推荐
7 years ago
Is #Stage3 #CKD Reversible
#ChronicKidneyDisease(CKD) is a common medical condition in which your kidneys can suffer from gradual damage. And for the patients in stage 3 CKD, their kidneys will be moderately damaged and a lot more
lina617 推荐
7 years ago
Are There Any #Alternative Treatments for #Stage 5 CKD Patients
When #CKD develops to stage 5, #dialysis and kidney transplant are the commonly used treatment, but both of them are not enough perfect. Are there any alternative treatments for stage 5 CKD patients? If you do not have an high risky factor fo...Read More
lina617 推荐
7 years ago
Is #Dialysis the Only Choice for #KidneyFailure Patients Document
lina617 推荐
7 years ago
Bone Hurt Is A Symptom In #ChronicKidneyFailure
If your bones hurt frequently and withoit an obvious explanation, it may be a symptom of you having kidney failure. Well then, how does bone pain occur in kidney failure? Kidneys are in charge of more 
lina617 推荐
7 years ago
Is #Dialysis the Only Choice for #KidneyFailure Patients Document
lina617 推荐
7 years ago
What is Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)?
lina617 推荐
7 years ago
lina617 推荐
7 years ago
lina617 推荐
7 years ago
lina617 正在
7 years ago